News Release

A ‘measure’ advance for ultrashort laser light!

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Plasma-induced space-time distortions in ultrashort laser pulses.


Intense laser pulse focused on a solid target drives inhomogeneous plasma dynamics, affecting the spatio-temporal profile of the reflected light. Capturing these changes in spatio-temporal profiles provides deep insights into plasma dynamics.

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Credit: Ankit Dulat

The Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai has pioneered a method to measure ultrahigh power, ultrashort laser pulses in a comprehensive manner. The paper reporting this has just been published in the prestigious, open access journal Optica.

What is this advance?  

Laser, a marvel of the modern world, has produced the shortest time duration pulses ever known to humans. Not just that, it has also provided a means to pack large amounts of light energy in that extremely short duration leading to astronomically large ‘peak’ powers, in magnitude thousands of times larger than the total electrical power consumption of the world!

Optics is now truly a power game!

Measuring the temporal shape of these pulses is however no mean task and while scientists have devised clever ways over the past few decades, there remain several significant challenges.

For one, the time distortions that a short pulse suffers whenever it goes through a medium. And the larger the power, the more severe these distortions.

Yet another major complication has to do with the pulse time profile being different at different points within the laser beam itself.  Most often, scientists may not bother about these variations across the beam spatial extent and assume a single temporal profile. However, the larger the beam and/or the more the length it traverses in a medium, the more critical these distortions become, dramatically changing the pulse. And at ultrahigh peak powers it is imperative to know what the time duration is at different points across the spatial extent of the beam.

The TIFR team used a specially designed instrument to measure the time profiles across spatial points in the ultrashort laser beam. They used an optical technique named ‘spectral interferometry’ at different spatial locations across the beam simultaneously, to achieve this. The team collaborated with the Umea University, Sweden on this study.

With the scientific world marching towards peak laser powers never imagined before (tens of thousand trillion watt!)  in laser beams spread over diameters of several tens of centimetres, this method will not only be extremely useful but essential.

Here is yet another boost for this method. These ultrahigh power lasers emit pulses every once in a while – once over many seconds/ minutes/ hours. The earlier techniques of measurement needed to sample multiple pulses before estimating the pulse profile and will be extremely cumbersome.

The TIFR advance solves this too. It works for a single pulse!

Now, the icing on the cake. As laser peak powers shoot through the roof, the normal solid optical components cannot handle them as they breakdown by ionization. The technology is therefore moving towards using ionized matter or ‘plasma’ itself, to design these optical components. And these plasmas can be highly unstable and cause further distortions in the spatio-temporal profiles of the pulse incident on them. The TIFR method is perfectly suited to measure these distortions.

A one-shot solution for all ultrahigh peak power lasers?

That is the promise!

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