News Release

Ethnomedical potentials, phytochemicals, and medicinal profile of Alpinia galanga L.

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Compuscript Ltd

Announcing a new article publication for BIO Integration journal.  Various secondary metabolite compounds from plants have been found in recent decades, one of which is Alpinia galanga L. (greater galangal). The world community has long recognized the Alpinia galanga L. plant as a raw material for traditional medicinal herbs that can help cure several diseases, such as ulcers, headaches, rheumatism, migraines, and diabetes mellitus.

Knowledge of the potential of medicinal ingredients from derivatives of metabolite compounds in Alpinia galanga L. has been continued by researchers through the science of herbal medicine. Researchers have found that all parts of this plant, including leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and rhizomes, have secondary metabolite compounds that have the potential to be developed for medicine. One part that contains an abundance of secondary metabolites, such as 1,8-cineole, α-fenchyl acetate, β-farnesene, β-bisabolene, α-bergamotene, β-pinene, 1′-acetoxychavicol acetate (ACE), galangin, phenylpropanoid, and β-sitosterol diglucoside (AG-7), is the rhizome. Research related to the bioactivity test of these secondary metabolite compounds is still being conducted by researchers to reveal other amazing potentials of Alpinia galanga L.

This review article provides information related to the ethnomedicinal profile, phytochemicals, and various medical potentials of Alpinia galanga L.

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BIO Integration is fully open access journal which will allow for the rapid dissemination of multidisciplinary views driving the progress of modern medicine. As part of its mandate to help bring interesting work and knowledge from around the world to a wider audience, BIOI will actively support authors through open access publishing and through waiving author fees in its first years. Also, publication support for authors whose first language is not English will be offered in areas such as manuscript development, English language editing and artwork assistance.


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ISSN 2712-0074

eISSN 2712-0082


Qiara Amelia Putri Priyono, Putri Antika Yusniasari and Mochamad Radika Tory Alifiansyah et al. Ethnomedical Potentials, Phytochemicals, and Medicinal Profile of Alpinia galanga L.: A Comprehensive Review. BIOI. 2024. Vol. 5(1). DOI: 10.15212/bioi-2024-0032

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