News Release

“Gentle parenting" followers, who emphasize emotion regulation, affection and boundaries, generally report parenting satisfaction, although some experience uncertainty, burnout and low efficacy

Peer-Reviewed Publication


“Trying to remain calm…but I do reach my limit sometimes”: An exploration of the meaning of gentle parenting


“Gentle parenting" followers, who emphasize emotion regulation, affection and boundaries, generally report parenting satisfaction, although some experience uncertainty, burnout and low efficacy.

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“Gentle parenting" followers, who emphasize emotion regulation, affection and boundaries, generally report parenting satisfaction, although some experience uncertainty, burnout and low efficacy

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Article Title: “Trying to remain calm…but I do reach my limit sometimes”: An exploration of the meaning of gentle parenting

Author Countries: USA

Funding: Annie Pezalla received a $1250 faculty fund from Macalester College for this study. She used those funds to compensate participants. Macalester College, which funded $1250 for participant compensation, had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or in preparation of the manuscript.

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