image: Clarivate released the first Impact Factor (2023 IF) of Communications in Transportation Research (COMMTR) on June 20, 2024. COMMTR's 2023 IF is 12.5, ranking in Top 1 (1/57, Q1) among all journals in "TRANSPORTATION" category, and its 2023 CiteScore is 15.2 (top 5%) in Scopus database.
Credit: Communications in Transportation Research, Tsinghua University Press
Clarivate released the first Impact Factor (2023 IF) of Communications in Transportation Research (COMMTR) on June 20, 2024. COMMTR's 2023 IF is 12.5, ranking in Top 1 (1/57, Q1) among all journals in "TRANSPORTATION" category, and its 2023 CiteScore is 15.2 (top 5%) in Scopus database.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation for the authors, reviewers, readers, editorial board members for helping to make the journal a success. We welcome your continued readership and article submission, and look forward confidently to COMMTR’s continued progress in the years ahead.
COMMTR was launched in 2021, with academic support provided by Tsinghua University and China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association. It is a peer-reviewed, open access international journal co-published by Tsinghua University Press and Elsevier. The Editors-in-Chief are Professor Xiaobo Qu, a member of the Academia Europaea from Tsinghua University and Professor Shuai'an Wang from Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The journal mainly publishes high-quality, original research and review articles that are of significant importance to emerging transportation systems, aiming to become an international platform and window for showcasing and exchanging innovative achievements in transportation and related fields, to promote the exchange and development of transportation research between China and the international academic community. It has been indexed in ESCI, Ei Compendex, Scopus, DOAJ, TRID and other databases,etc.
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- Indexed in ESCI, Scopus, Ei Compendex
- Tsinghua University Press will pay the open access fee for all published papers from 2024 to 2025
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