News Release

An auditory stimulation approach modulates brain alpha oscillations and interferes with sleep onset dynamics

Peer-Reviewed Publication


An auditory stimulation approach modulates brain alpha oscillations and interferes with sleep onset dynamics


Schematic of the study by Hebron et al, showing the closed-loop auditory stimulation approach to modulate brain alpha oscillations.

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Credit: Henry Hebron (CC-BY 4.0,

Alpha oscillations are electrophysiological features of the human brain linked to fundamental processes including memory and perception. This study introduces a closed-loop auditory stimulation approach to selectively modulate alpha oscillations in the human brain in a phase-dependent and spatially-specific manner.


In your coverage, please use this URL to provide access to the freely available paper in PLOS Biology:

Article Title: A closed-loop auditory stimulation approach selectively modulates alpha oscillations and sleep onset dynamics in humans

Author Countries: United Kingdom

Funding: see manuscript

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