image: Professor Esperanza Diaz at the University of Bergen
Credit: Magne Sandnes
Acknowledging this theme as a crucial scientific subject, the Lancet Regional Health – Europe launches on the 28th of May a new Series of seven papers presented alongside the World Health Organisation European Assembly.
One of the papers is led by the University of Bergen, which is one of the most recognized European medical environments in research and education on migration and health. In the paper titled, “Capacity building in migration and health in higher education: lessons from five European countries” Esperanza Diaz and colleges from other four European countries, illustrate good examples in higher education, identify gaps to the further advancement of capacity building and summarize key recommendations for the advancement of capacity building in migration and health.
According to the authors, to be able to deliver equitable care, European health services need to build capacity at high education level to be able to improve the care for migrants. Here are their recommendations, that should be also implemented in Norway:
- Create spaces to share concrete teaching experiences that can be adapted and replicated
- Promote diversity-sensitive communication skills programs for trainers and teachers
- Integrate training on migration and health within the broader framework of social determinants of health
- Develop participatory and intersectional approaches that focus on improving attitudes and skills
- Capacity building should be both top-down (leadership) as well as bottom-up (involving teachers and students).
- Advocate for curricula development to reflect and include diversity sensitive approaches in content and implementation
- Medical and continuous education accreditations should include new standards about diversity sensitive healthcare
- Prioritize student assessments and course evaluations instead of seeing them as optional
- Promote mandatory diversity-related competences in both undergraduate and specialized training
- Co-create and maintain dialogue with key stakeholders, different members of the health care team and migrants
Link to the study:
The Lancet Regional Health - Europe
Article Title
Capacity building in migration and health in higher education: lessons from five European countries
Article Publication Date