News Release

New insights into tree canopy light absorption and its climate implications

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Journal of Remote Sensing

Once the illumination and view angles are determined, LESS calculates the proportions of the four components within each pixel (red rectangle) using ray tracing and subsequently generates the four-component images.


Once the illumination and view angles are determined, LESS calculates the proportions of the four components within each pixel (red rectangle) using ray tracing and subsequently generates the four-component images. In the figure, different colors signify different component, and gap fractions are calculated based on the ratios of the four-component images within a pixel.

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Credit: Journal of Remote Sensing

Recent research has successfully quantified the directional characteristics of the clumping index (CI) in various vegetation canopies using the large-scale remote sensing data and image simulation framework (LESS) model. This study enhances our understanding of radiative transfer processes and could significantly improve ecological modeling and climate predictions.

The clumping index (CI) is critical for accurately modeling light absorption in plant canopies, affecting predictions of photosynthesis and climate dynamics. Traditional methods of estimating CI, however, typically ignore its variability with observation angle, leading to potentially significant errors in environmental assessments.

A recent publication (DOI: 10.34133/remotesensing.0133) in the Journal of Remote Sensing, dated April 12, 2024, delves into how vegetation canopies influence light absorption in various ways, a crucial aspect for understanding photosynthesis and climate interactions.

In the study, by employing the advanced large-scale remote sensing data and image simulation framework (LESS) model within the radiation transfer model intercomparison (RAMI)-V framework, the team meticulously calculated the CI across various viewing angles and vegetation types, such as coniferous and broad-leaf forests. This index measures how leaves within a canopy are clustered, affecting the passage of light through the canopy. Their findings highlight that CI is not a static trait but varies significantly with the zenith angle and the type of vegetation, changing with seasonal cycles and canopy structures. For instance, coniferous forests show minimal variation in CI with changes in the zenith angle, whereas broad-leaf forests display more pronounced changes. These directional characteristics of CI are essential for refining radiative transfer models used in global climate predictions, demonstrating a sophisticated approach to ecological modeling that accounts for the complex realities of natural vegetation.

Dr. Donghui Xie, the lead researcher from Beijing Normal University, emphasizes the study's impact: "By accounting for the directional variability of CI, we can significantly refine our models of how vegetation interacts with light, improving the accuracy of global climate models and ecological forecasts."

This study reveals how vegetation canopies vary in their impact on light absorption, crucial for photosynthesis and climate modeling. Using the LESS model to analyze the CI across different vegetation types, the research highlights significant variability influenced by factors like vegetation type and season. These insights enable more accurate climate predictions and inform sustainable forestry practices, enhancing ecological and environmental management.





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Funding information

The work is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos. 42071304 and 42090013) and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (grant nos. 2020YFA0608701 and 2022YFB3903304).

About Journal of Remote Sensing

The Journal of Remote Sensing, an online-only Open Access journal published in association with AIR-CAS, promotes the theory, science, and technology of remote sensing, as well as interdisciplinary research within earth and information science.

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