News Release

A win–win approach: maximizing Wi-Fi performance using game theory

The innovative strategy in which users connected to a local wireless network adopt optimal positions improves overall system throughput

Peer-Reviewed Publication

Shibaura Institute of Technology

Inherent limitations of WLAN networks and potential strategies to minimize their impact


When new users join an access point (AP), their position, individual throughput, and inteference can impact the performance of the entire network. In this study, the researchers developed an AP connection strategy based on user cooperation, where users are prompted to change their location to improve the overall performance of the system.

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Credit: Sumiko Miyata from Shibaura Institute of Technology

Connectivity has become paramount in modern societies over the past two decades. With the immense rise in the number of laptops, tablets, and smartphones, most people nowadays expect to have access to free Wi-Fi in a variety of public and private spaces. Some common examples include airports, restaurants, and libraries, but even parks, trains, and subways offer Wi-Fi in some cities. However, most wireless environments are based on the IEEE802.11 WLAN standards. Though undoubtedly an amazing feat of engineering, these standards suffer from inherent problems that can lower their performance for all users in a network. For example, if a slow user joins a wireless local-area network (WLAN), their slow transmission rate can affect the throughput rate of other users, since users share the communication channels of the access point (AP, or ‘router’) by taking turns to use them. Moreover, users can also interfere with each other when attempting to communicate with the AP, negatively impacting each other’s performance.

Scientists have come up with a few strategies to try to minimize the effects of these problems and improve the overall throughput of APs. Some of these methods are cooperative, meaning that users can be prompted by the AP to change their position in order to improve system throughput. Though this is indeed a promising strategy, many existing techniques fail to simultaneously consider the interference between users and each user’s transmission rate. In turn, other techniques fail to account for the possibility that some users may be fixed, whereas others can move.

To address these limitations, a research team including Associate Professor Sumiko Miyata from Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) has developed a novel AP connection method using game theory. Their latest paper, which was authored by Yu Kato from SIT and co-authored by Jiquan Xie and Tutomu Murase from Nagoya University, was published in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society on March 21st, 2024.

Game theory is a branch of mathematics that mainly deals with the analysis of decisions and decision-making, especially within clearly defined frameworks (‘games’) with rules, possible actions, and agents. Usually, the goal in game theory analysis is to identify optimal strategies. “For wireless communication environments where multiple users exist and must be considered, game theory is one of the most suitable theories to use for analysis,” explains Dr. Miyata. “In the approach proposed in our paper, the user position that maximizes system throughput is determined using what’s known as a ‘potential game,’ which is a type of model in game theory.

The developed potential game model, whose objective function is to maximize system throughput, condenses the incentives for all users into a single function. In this way, and unlike previous methods, the impact of the position of new users joining a WLAN on existing users is considered. Moreover, the new approach also takes into account inter-user interference by calculating the probabilities of packet collisions.

The researchers tested their proposed AP connection strategy, which was directly based on their potential game model, by comparing it with previous AP connection methods. They analyzed the resulting AP throughput for each method in a wide variety of scenarios involving different user positions. In this way, they proved that their proposed strategy almost always resulted in a throughput improvement compared to other techniques, with the improvement in system performance reaching up to 6% in some cases.

Although having a router prompt existing or new users to move around is not feasible in every situation, the proposed strategy could find a home in certain environments. “Our method could be a potential option for Wi-Fi services in classrooms and libraries due to their location-free characteristics and low human traffic,” explains Dr. Miyata. “The Wi-Fi system would calculate the optimal user positions based on their locations to enhance overall throughput and encourage them to take cooperative action, motivated by a desire to increase their own throughput as well.

Overall, methods like the one developed in this study are significant, given the innumerable number of Wi-Fi-enabled devices present today. “AP system should be efficient regarding the use of their network resources. The proposed technique is an important technology for realizing smart cities, where everything is connected to the internet,” concludes Dr. Miyata.





Title of original paper: AP Connection Method for Maximizing Throughput Considering Moving User and Degree of Interference Based on Potential Game

Journal: IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society



About Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT), Japan

Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) is a private university with campuses in Tokyo and Saitama. Since the establishment of its predecessor, Tokyo Higher School of Industry and Commerce, in 1927, it has maintained “learning through practice” as its philosophy in the education of engineers. SIT was the only private science and engineering university selected for the Top Global University Project sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and will receive support from the ministry for 10 years starting from the 2014 academic year. Its motto, “Nurturing engineers who learn from society and contribute to society,” reflects its mission of fostering scientists and engineers who can contribute to the sustainable growth of the world by exposing their over 8,000 students to culturally diverse environments, where they learn to cope, collaborate, and relate with fellow students from around the world.



About Associate Professor Sumiko Miyata from SIT, Japan

Sumiko Miyata received her B.E. from Shibaura Institute of Technology in 2007, and M.E. and D.E. degrees from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2009 and 2012, respectively. She joined Shibaura Institute of Technology in 2015 as an Assistant Professor and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2018. In 2024, Dr. Miyata joined the Tokyo Institute of Technology as an Associate Professor and joined the Shibaura Institute of Technology as a Project Associate Professor. Her research interests include mathematical modeling and analysis for QoS performance evaluation, queueing theory, game theory, and resource allocation problems in communication networks and information security. She has published over 40 papers on these topics.


Funding Information

These research results were obtained from the commissioned research (No.JPJ012368C05601) by National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan. In addition, this work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP19K11947, JP22K12015, JP20H00592, and JP21H03424.

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