image: Cover for "Corporate Philanthropy in China and Beyond: A Comparative Handbook".
Credit: World Scientific
Research teams at Rothlin Ltd and Globethics collaborated in an effort to discern best practices for successful philanthropic projects in China ad in Switzerland. The comparison enables Western businesses and NGOs to understand the distinctive Chinese terrain for success in philanthropic activities, while also clarifying how philanthropy has developed in Switzerland. Incorporating insights from their collaborative work, the book, Corporate Philanthropy in China and Beyond: A Comparative Handbook, provides an invaluable resource for navigating the intricacies of philanthropic endeavors in both China and Switzerland.
The handbook is also meant to assist students of philanthropy and other interested parties in understanding the development of corporate philanthropy in China, and how its development converges with, and diverges from similar trends in other countries.
”I have been working on the philanthropy project with my teams for more than ten years,” said Stephan Rothlin, Director of the Macau Ricci Institute at the University of St. Joseph, Macau, and CEO of the CSR Consulting firm Rothlin Ltfd. “In a world with a growing gap between the rich and the poor and devastating wars, it seems to me crucial not only to appeal to the leadership of the state but also to recognize that, especially in unsettled socio-political contexts, it is crucial that successful people make quick use of their talents and resources. From the very beginning, a special focus was to observe the rise of philanthropists in China and how their contributions to a variety of social causes could play a decisive role in addressing urgent social problems, both in the short term and the long term. Moreover, the visit of Warren Buffett and Bill Gates in Beijing in 2010 marked a landmark event to challenge local wealthy people to reconnect to their Confucian tradition of compassion towards the needy.”
Corporate Philanthropy in China and Beyond: A Comparative Handbook retails for US$78 / £70 (hardcover) and is also available in electronic formats. To order or know more about the book, visit
About the Author
Stephan Rothlin is Director of the Macau Ricci Institute at the University of St. Joseph, Macau, Editor of the Macau Ricci Institute Journal, as well as Research Professor of the Faculty of Business and Law of the University of St. Joseph, Macau. His teaching and research interests are focused on international business ethics and responsible entrepreneurship with a focus on China. The Chief Executive Officer of the CSR Consulting firm Rothlin Ltfd., Beijing & Hong Kong, he provides educational consulting services to encourage the practice of corporate social responsibility, and advocates, among business communities and society at large, the values of honesty, integrity, respect, transparency, and responsibility as indispensable elements for excellence in business. His publications include: Teaching International Business Ethics, International Business Ethics, and Focus on China (Chinese Version: Beijing, China Social Press, 2022) .
Christoph Stückelberger is Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology/Ethics at the University of Basel (UoB), Switzerland. He has been working on the education of ethics on a global level since the last four decades in various universities, which apart from UoB includes: Kingdom Business College KBC; Minzu University, Beijing, China; Godfrey Okoye University GOUNI, Enugu, Nigeria; Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute MEPhI, Moscow, Russia, and Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK. Over the last four decades, he has worked as head of development and founder, director, and president of three foundations with long-standing experience in philanthropy and impact investing. His main field of research and teaching is global ethics applied to economic/business ethics, environmental ethics, trade ethics, finance ethics, political ethics, development ethics, cyber ethics and philanthropy. He is an author and editor of over 70 books and hundreds of articles on applied ethics, all downloadable free on His bibliography is available on His standard work Environment and Development: An Ethical Orientation was published in German, Chinese, Korean, and Indonesian. He is also a consultant on ethics. In 2023, he was appointed as Director of the School of Election Experts in Central Africa (;;;;;
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