News Release

Antimicrobials don't appear to help pet dogs with uncomplicated diarrhea - so should likely be prescribed less often by vets - according to new causal inference study

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Target trial emulation: Do antimicrobials or gastrointestinal nutraceuticals prescribed at first presentation for acute diarrhoea cause a better clinical outcome in dogs under primary veterinary care in the UK?

image: Antimicrobials don't appear to help pet dogs with uncomplicated diarrhea. view more 

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Antimicrobials don't appear to help pet dogs with uncomplicated diarrhea - so should likely be prescribed less often by vets - according to new causal inference study


Article URL:

Article Title: Target trial emulation: Do antimicrobials or gastrointestinal nutraceuticals prescribed at first presentation for acute diarrhoea cause a better clinical outcome in dogs under primary veterinary care in the UK?

Author Countries: UK

Funding: CP is supported at the RVC by an award from the Dogs Trust Canine Welfare Grants (number 5654). URL: The funders reviewed the manuscript and were involved in the decision to publish, but did not play a role in study design, data collection or analysis.

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