By reducing the food source of the spotted lanternfly, this project could also help reduce the insect’s population as we...Virginia Tech
Absolute numbers of women matter more than proportion for achieving gender equity in STEM...Kyushu University
Comparison of STEM and Life Sciences Departments in Japanese and U.S. Universities Using the Academic Gender Equity Inde...Kyushu University
3D structures of biomolecules – “dictionaries” make fluorescence-based data accessible...Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf
An improved model combining machine learning and Kalman filtering architecture for state of charge estimation of lithium...Beijing Institute of Technology Press Co., Ltd
The Chromatin biology laboratory, led by Dr. Alejandro Vaquero, from the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute...Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute
Optimized ANN for LiFePO4 battery charge estimation using principal components based feature generation...Beijing Institute of Technology Press Co., Ltd
Online battery model parameters identification approach based on bias-compensated forgetting factor recursive least squa...Beijing Institute of Technology Press Co., Ltd
Co-estimation of state-of-charge and state-of-temperature for large-format lithium-ion batteries based on a novel electr...Beijing Institute of Technology Press Co., Ltd
Microwave attenuation, lightweight, flexibility and thermal insulation performance of SiOC amorphous nanofibers...Tsinghua University Press