Example spectrograms showing the electric moped sounds and the imitations produced by Chinese Blackbirds. (IMAGE)
Example spectrograms showing the electric moped sounds and the imitations produced by Chinese Blackbirds. (A)–(B) Three examples of locking sound, unlocking sound, and alarms from three brands of electric mopeds respectively, and one example showing the horn. (C) The first part of type 3 alarm (containing 10 continuous notes), which is the model sound mimicked by Chinese Blackbirds. (D) A mimetic alarm produced by a Chinese Blackbird, containing six continuous notes. (E) A mimetic song containing mimetic alarm; i: a mimetic phrase containing four continuous notes; ii: a mimetic solo of Masked Laughingthrush (Pterorhinus perspicillatus). (F) A mimetic song containing mimetic alarms/locking/unlocking sounds, which are interspersed by other song phrases; iii: a species-specific song phrase of Chinese Blackbirds; iv: mimetic calls of White-cheeked Starling (Spodiopsar cineraceus); v: mimetic alarms of electric moped.
Changjian FU
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