Announcing Tracked Biotechnologies as Tier 5 Sponsor of ARDD 2024...Aging Research and Drug Discovery
Illustration of the observation of the brightest ever gamma-ray burst (GRB 221009A) by GECAM-C and Fermi/GBM...Science China Press
The discovery plot of the power law decay of the gamma-ray energy detected in GRB 221009A...Science China Press
A demonstration of using the perovskite solar cell developed by Prof. ZHOU Yuanyuan’s research team to charge a mobile p...Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Prof. ZHOU Yuanyuan (right) and Dr. DUAN Tianwei (left) holding their newly developed perovskite solar cell....Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Schematics illustration of the homochiral and heterochiral interface modification concepts invented by Prof. Zhou’s rese...Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
The mechanical nanofibrillation of holocellulose nanofibers (HCNFs) and the recrystallization of mannan....Yokohama National University
Photovoltaic performance of Doped Spiro and Undoped Spiro devices under 1-Sun and 1,000 lux WLED illumination....Advanced Devices & Instrumentation
In August 2022, part of the river bank at the Three Gorges Reservoir was exposed as the water level dropped due to insuf...Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
First successful lab breeding of the nudibranch sea slug Hypselodoris festiva...University of Tsukuba
Distribution of quantum bits between Leibniz University of Hannover (Alice) and PTB Braunschweig (Bob) over 79 km of dep...Light Publishing Center, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics And Physics, CAS