Microstructure of DED-printed Ti–O–Fe alloys. (IMAGE)
a, As-built rectangular coupons of 40 × 10 × 5 mm3 at the layer thickness of 200 μm. The five coupons in a all have the same composition of Ti–0.34O–3.25Fe. b, Temperature profile of the central point of layer 13 in a 25-layer coupon by simulation. c, Processing window (green zone) determined by simulation. d–k, Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) inverse pole figure images (d–g; scale bars, 100 μm) and backscattered electron images (h–k; scale bars, 1 μm) of the printed Ti–0.14O–3.23Fe (d,h), Ti–0.34O–3.25Fe (e,i), Ti–0.50O–3.17Fe (f,j) and Ti–0.67O–3.30Fe (g,k) alloys. The light-grey phase in h–k is the β phase and this contrast arises owing to Fe enrichment.
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