Figure 2| Performance characterization of mini-BIC lasers. (IMAGE)
a, the radiation spectrum under various pump power at room temperature. b, temperature dependence of the lasing threshold, and the blue line represents the exponential fit to the experimental data (black dots), revealing the characteristic temperature T0 of 93.9 K. The inset shows the measured L-L curve of the laser at 303 K, indicating a threshold at 17 μW. c, The typical measured lasing wavelengths of M11 mode in the cavities of different sizes and different periods agree well with theoretical resonant wavelengths. A wide tuning range of nearly 80 nm is achieved, with highly predictable wavelengths.
by Hancheng Zhong, Ying Yu, Ziyang Zheng, Zhengqing Ding, Xuebo Zhao, Jiawei Yang, Yuming Wei, Yingxin Chen, Siyuan Yu
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