Model of the ZapE regulation in the pqs quorum sensing system in P. aeruginosa. (IMAGE)
HHQ is synthesized by PqsABCD and converted to PQS by PqsH. ZapE is a cell division factor, which can directly interact with PqsH and positively regulate the synthesis of PQS. Both HHQ and PQS can bind to the transcriptional regulator PqsR; however, the affinity of PQS is approximately 100-fold more potent than HHQ at stimulating PqsR activity. Autoinduction occurs when either HHQ or PQS binds to PqsR, and then the expression of pqsA-E operon is activated. PqsE is a putative metallohydrolase protein, which positively regulates pyocyanin biosynthesis as well as biofilm formation. The biosynthesis of pyoverdine can be positively impacted by the biofilm and the iron chelator PQS. In brief, ZapE regulates P. aeruginosa biofilm formation by impacting the pqs quorum sensing. Photo credit: Xi Liu, Yingdan Zhang and Liang Yang.
Beijing Zhongke Journal Publising Co. Ltd.
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