Fossils 3 (IMAGE)
Fig. 6. Selected dicot leaves. A, Dryophyllum pugetensis leaf confirming craspedodromous venation, with teeth concentrated in distal portion of lamina, and showing a slight trend to falcate curvature. B, Leaf of Platanus with distinctive platanaceous teeth at leaf tip. C, Basal portion of cf. Acer leaf, with long petiole and basal actinodromous primary venation. D, Leaf of cf. Alnus, craspedodromous with two tooth sizes. Alder pollen is also present. E, Leaf of cf. Rhamnus, with dense apically curving semicraspedodromous secondary veins. This leaf closely matches morphology of extant Rhamnus purshianus but does not show the minute teeth at the leaf edge. All scales are in millimeters.
Simon Fraser University
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