Correlation between oxidation-reduction potential of lithium metal and Coulombic efficiency (IMAGE)
The enhanced Coulombic efficiency (CE, vertical axis), can be obtained with upshifted oxidation-reduction potential of lithium metal (ELi/Li+, horizontal axis), which lowers thermodynamic driving force to reduce the electrolyte at the lithium metal surface. The inset represents oxidation-reduction curves of the compound ferrocene (Fc/Fc+), introduced to estimate the variation of the oxidation-reduction potential of lithium metal in the given electrolytes. By comparing the oxidation-reduction potential of lithium metal in 74 different electrolytes, researchers observed a correlation between the oxidation-reduction potential and Coulombic efficiency. Based on these findings, several electrolytes, which enable high Coulombic efficiency (as high as 99.4 %), have been easily developed.
Yamada & Kitada Lab., Department of Chemical System Engineering, The University of Tokyo
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