figure-2-Orbit-to-Ground-study-of-biosignatures-in-the-terrestrial-Mars-analog-study-site-Salar-de-Pajonales-Chile-1024px (IMAGE)
Orbit-to-Ground study of biosignatures in the terrestrial Mars analog study site Salar de Pajonales, Chile. (b) drone view of the site with macroscale geologic features (domes, aeolian cover, ridge networks and patterned ground) in false color. (c) 3-D rendering of dome macrohabitats from drone imagery. (d) Orange and green bands of pigments of the photosynthetic microbial communities living in Ca-sulfate micro-habitats. These biosignatures are a feature of NASA’s Ladder of Life Detection and are detectable by eye and by instruments such as Raman (e) and Visible Short-Wave Infrared spectroscopy.
Image credit: N. Cabrol, M. Phillips, K. Warren-Rhodes, J. Bishop and D. Wettergreen.
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