Schematic and characteristics of the designed THz metasurface polarization analyzer. (a) Schematic of the working process of the THz metasurface polarization analyzer. An x-polarized THz wave is incident onto a THz half-wave plate (THWP), and the fast axis of the THWP is along the β/2 direction. The output THz wave is β-polarized and then incident on the metasurface device. The transmitted wave is transferred to the cross-polarization state, which is along the β–90° direction and focused on the focal plane. The amplitude distribution of the focal spot is along the θ direction. (b1–b4) Simulated amplitude distributions on the focal plane for β = 0, 45°, 90°, and 135°, respectively. Each white arrow represents the incident polarization state. (c1–c4) Experimental amplitude distributions on the focal plane for β = 0, 45°, 90°, and 135°, respectively. (d1)–(d2) Amplitude distribution curves extracted from the amplitude distributions along the black dashed circle in Fig. 3(b1) for β = 0, 45°, 90°, and 135°, where the gray and red curves represent the simulated and experimental results, respectively.
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