Linearly polarized propagating plane wave of unity amplitude incident on a Si sphere of radius a = 75 nm. (IMAGE)
(a) Combined sphere polarizabilities calculated via Mie theory. The expression of the time-averaged radiation pressure < Fz > given by these polarizabilities according to the theory is shown in the full line, while the broken one depicts the theoretical flow IMST, expressed by FIMST which is the z-component of the reactive force, F'z, according to the thory. (b) Numerical results for the time-averaged force < Fz > and reactive force F'z on the sphere. (c) IMST component, FIMST, of the ILF numerically calculated with different cube integration contours. Insets show maps on the x = 0 plane of |E|² and |B|² at wavelength of 610 nm which corresponds to the magnetic dipole resonance. White broken line squares illustrate the integration contours. (d) ROM component, FROM, along OZ , of the ILF calculated by subtracting FIMST from F'z.
by Manuel Nieto-Vesperinas, Xiaohao Xu
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