Events for 1982-2022 (IMAGE)
Extreme ocean warming events observed from January 1982 to August 2022 and the contribution of climate change therein. This figure has been updated with the latest observational data obtained after the acceptance of the paper. (left) South of the Japan Sea (Area 3) and (right) south of the East China Sea (Area 8). The upper panels show the observed sea surface temperature anomalies of COBE-SST2 (relative to 1991-2020) with shading and identified extreme ocean warming events with stippled (less than once per 20 years) and hatched (less than once per 100 years). The bottom panels show "Fraction of Attributable Risks" (FAR=1-P0/P1; P0 and P1 are the occurrence probabilities in the preindustrial and present climate conditions) with shading and the FAR values exceeding 0.5 and 0.9 significantly at the 95% confidence levels with hachured and stippled. Note that FAR of 0.5 or 0.9 corresponds to that the probability increases doubled or tenfold from the preindustrial era. Bar plots in the middle panels indicate the annual number of months when the events are identified. The bars are filled with orange or dark red when FAR significantly exceeds 0.5 or 0.9. COBE-SST2 was retrieved from the NEAR-GOOS RRTDB website on 15 September 2022 and thus the results in August 2022 are yet preliminary and not included in the published paper.
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