Projected spatiotemporal changes in the frequency of drought days (FDD) under climate change. (IMAGE)
(a) The maps show the ensemble median values of the climatological percent changes derived for the FDDs in the mid-21st century (2036-2065) under low (RCP2.6) and high (RCP8.5) greenhouse gas concentration scenarios compared to the historical period (1971-2005). The colors indicate the direction and magnitude of the change [%]. Grids with nonsignificant changes between two periods are marked with gray, and grids in which agreement in the sign of change among ensemble members is lower than 60% are also shown in gray. Additionally, Greenland is masked out in gray. (b) The plots present the time series of the regional average frequency of drought days [%] from 1865 to 2099 under RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 in the nine selected regions. The lines present the ensemble median time series, and the shading shows the uncertainty in terms of the interquartile range across ensemble members.
Satoh et al. 2022 NatCommns (DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-30729-2)
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