Detailed map of Björkö's northern cape (IMAGE)
Detailed map of Björkö's northern part with the results of mapping of near-shore remains between Birka’s Black Earth and Korshamn. The features recorded as possible jetty or boat landing remains have a light red fill and are marked 1-9. Of these, 1-3 are located inside the town rampart of Birka, the rest are outside. The light green polygons mark graves belonging to the Hemlanden burial ground (archaeological monument L2107:1904), here in selection only to show the boundaries of the cemetery. Grey polygons mark areas with stones and boulders that have been interpreted as beach stones, areas where fine material has filtered out into the shoreline and created a stone and boulder-rich shoreline, difficult or impossible to land a ship on. Dotted polygon directly west of the northernmost segment of the town rampart marks a distinct notch in the terrain. Blue-dashed polygons mark waterlogged land; waterholes. Two elongated dashed polygons between jetty 7 and 8 mark two dips in the terrain. These are not as distinct as the two depressions on the western shore of the cape investigated at Kugghamn 2020-2021 but may represent a possible other shipyard on the eastern side of the cape. The two elongated slightly darker polygons in the southeast corner of the map are the house foundations at Korshamn. The thick dashed black line marks the boundary of Hemland on the underlying base map. The contour lines are from the same base map and have a 5 m spacing (the lowest is 5 m above sea level).
Archaeological Research Laboratory, Stockholm University
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