Figure 2 (IMAGE) Compuscript Ltd Caption Columnar section showing the upper mantle and crustal components of a typical suprasubduction zone ophiolite, illustrated by field photographs. (a) and (b): Banded and folded harzburgite (olivine + orthopyroxene); (c): Layered cumulates of dunite (bright yellow) and dark wehrlite (olivine + clinopyroxene); (d): Layered and folded gabbro; (e): Varitextured gabbro; (f): Gabbro cut by basaltic and felsic intrusions; (g): Sheeted dike complex; (h): Volcanic breccia set in a hyaloclasite matrix; (i): pillow lava; (j): Massive andesitic lava flow; (k): Folded chert layers. Pictures a-c, i (Leka ophiolite, Norway), d (Karmøy ophiolite, Norway), e-h (Solund-Stavfjord ophiolite, Norway, j, k (Mirdita ophiolite, Albania). Key to lettering: Chpyr- chalcopyrite, H/D- Harzburgite/dunite, H- Harzburgite, L- Lherzolite, Opx–veins- orthopyroxenite veins, Pyr- pyrite. Credit GeoGeo Usage Restrictions Credit must be given to the creator. License CC BY Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system.