Figure 3 (IMAGE)
(a) Spatially resolved PL responses of a device array under nonuniform heating (left) and the corresponding temperature mapping (right). (b) Left: Photograph of the exhaling temperature detection with the fiber sensor. Right: Dynamic temperature signals during cycled exhaling activities obtained by the fiber sensor based on the emission peak wavelength shifts and PL intensity changes, compared with results simultaneously recorded by the thermocouple. The gray regions represent actions of exhaling. (c) Left: Photograph of behaving mouse with a fiber sensor and a thermocouple implanted into the brain for temperature sensing. Right: Dynamic temperature signals obtained in the mouse brain by the fiber sensor based on the emission peak wavelength shifts and PL intensity changes, compared with results simultaneously recorded by the thermocouple. The shaded gray region represents the time period when the mouse is placed in a hot environment at around 40 ºC.
He Ding, Guoqing Lv, Xue Cai, Junyu Chen, Ziyi Cheng, Yanxiu Peng, Guo Tang, Zhao Shi, Yang Xie, Xin Fu, Lan Yin, Jian Yang, Yongtian Wang, Xing Sheng
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