Optical Characterization of the Topological Nanocavities (IMAGE)
a, Calculated Q (red) and wavelengths (black) of the corner state for different g. The inset shows the schematic of Q optimization, in which the topological photonic crystal is shifted away from the corner by ?2g along the diagonal direction. b, Photoluminescence (PL) spectra for cavities with different g. The red dashed line represents the corner state. These peaks in the long-wavelength range originate from edge states. c, PL spectra of defect-free cavities, which show the variations of the cavity mode by fabrication imperfections. d, PL spectra of cavities with different numbers of defects, as shown in the inset. The numbers represent the number of missing square holes in the bulk of the photonic crystal. Here, the missing square holes are several periods away from the corner. The PL spectra are shifted for clarity.
Weixuan Zhang, Xin Xie, Huiming Hao, Jianchen Dang, Shan Xiao, Shushu Shi, Haiqiao Ni, Zhichuan Niu, Can Wang, Kuijuan Jin, Xiangdong Zhang and Xiulai Xu
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