Figure: Inhomogeneous-Strain-Induced Magnetic Vortex Cluster (IMAGE)
(a) simulated color scale map showing the relaxation of the growth strain in 0.5 μm wide La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) wire, lithographically fabricated from LSMO thin film grown on LaAlO3 (LAO) substrate. (b) Magnetic vortex cluster state observed in LSMO wire using variable temperature magnetic force microscopy (VT-MFM). (c) Phase field simulated image of domains in 0.5 μm wide LSMO wire. (d) Calculated strain profile as a function of normalized position across different widths of LSMO wires (left panel) and corresponding simulated magnetic domains in these wires (right panel). (e) High-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) scanning tunneling electron microscopy (STEM) image of LSMO/LAO. (f) Schematics for possible use of observed vortex cluster state for storage devices.
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