The structural characterization and EL properties of as-fabricated DUV-LEDs. (IMAGE)
a Schematic diagram of the DUV-LED structure with Gr. b Cross-sectional STEM image of as-grown DUV-LED with Gr and corresponding EDS mapping images of Al, Ga and N elements. c RSM for the (10 5) reflection of the DUV-LED grown on Gr/sapphire. d LOP of the as-fabricated DUV-LEDs with and without Gr as a function of the injection current. e EL spectra of DUV-LED without Gr by varying the injection current from 10 to 80 mA. f EL spectra of DUV-LED with Gr by varying the injection current from 10 to 80 mA.
by Hongliang Chang, Zhetong Liu, Shenyuan Yang, Yaqi Gao, Jingyuan Shan, Bingyao Liu, Jingyu Sun, Zhaolong Chen, Jianchang Yan, Zhiqiang Liu, Junxi Wang, Peng Gao, Jinmin Li, Zhongfan Liu, Tongbo Wei
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