Yellowstone National Park (IMAGE)
The image shows a hot spring in Yellowstone National Park, Montana, a site where bacteria containing chlorosomes can be found in the brightly colored mats. At the upper left is a thin-section electron micrograph of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobaculum tepidum, showing chlorosomes along the periphery of the cells as light-colored ovals. The next image is an electron micrograph of an isolated chlorosome from the bchQRU mutant, and the next image is a cryo-electron micrograph of the same. Finally, the last panel at the right shows a molecular model of the chlorophylls in the chlorosome. Individual chlorophyll molecules are illustrated in green and show their hydrophobic tails pointing outward.
Image by Donald Bryant, Penn State University, courtesy of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
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The credit line -- Image by Donald Bryant, Penn State University, courtesy of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences -- must be published along with the picture.
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