RIKEN, Brookhaven, Columbia Collaboration (IMAGE)
Members of the "RIKEN-Brookhaven-Columbia" Collaboration who participated in this work (seated L to R): Taku Izubuchi (RIKEN BNL Research Center, or RBRC, and Brookhaven Lab), Christoph Lehner (Brookhaven), Robert Mawhinney (Columbia University), Amarjit Soni (Brookhaven), Norman Christ (Columbia), Christopher Kelly (RBRC), Chulwoo Jung (Brookhaven); (standing L to R): Sergey Syritsyn (RBRC), Tomomi Ishikawa (RBRC), Luchang Jin (Columbia), Shigemi Ohta (RBRC), and Seth Olsen (Columbia). Mawhinney, Soni, and Christ were the founding members of the collaboration, along with Thomas Blum (not shown, now at the University of Connecticut).
Brookhaven National Laboratory
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