Figure 2 (IMAGE)
Figure 2: (left) Schematics of the inducible capsular polysaccharides (iCAP) system to control immune evasion and clearance. (middle) The iCAP system enhances systemic delivery of bacteria by transiently encapsulating bacteria. Non-CAP bacteria (thin gray cells) lead to toxicity by exposing bacterial surface for immune detection, and permanently CAP-expressing bacteria (thick black cells) lead to over-protection. The iCAP (blue cells) system reduces initial inflammation while effectively clearing bacteria over time. (right) The iCAP system controls bacterial translocation between tumors by activating an encapsulation system within one tumor which results in bacteria migration to uncolonized tumors at different locations.
Tetsuhiro Harimoto, Jaeseung Hahn, Kam Leong, and Tal Danino/Columbia Engineering
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Please credit as: Tetsuhiro Harimoto, Jaeseung Hahn, Kam Leong, and Tal Danino/Columbia Engineering
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