Study Finds COVID-19 Less Severe in Fully Vaccinated (IMAGE)
Representative cases showing pneumonia extents and patterns on chest X-ray (CXRs) and CT images. (E and F) A 36-year-old male with no history of vaccination for COVID- 19. The patient had no history of comorbidity. (E) CXR obtained at admission showing no abnormal opacification in either lung zone. CXR extent of pneumonia was scored as 0 (no evidence of pneumonia). (F) Axial chest CT image obtained on the same day showing unilateral ground-glass opacity with a nonrounded morphology and non-peripheral distribution in the left upper lobe (arrows). CT extent of pneumonia was scored as 1 (1-25% involvement) and this case was classified as indeterminate appearance of COVID-19 according to the RSNA chest CT classification system. (G and H) A 58-year-old male with no history of COVID-19 vaccination. The patient had a history of hypertension and diabetes. He required supplemental oxygen on admission and was admitted to intensive care unit one day later. (G) CXR at admission showing patchy ground-glass opacities in both middle- to lower-lung zones. CXR extent of pneumonia was scored as 2 (>25% involvement). (H) Axial chest CT image obtained on the same day showing multifocal ground-glass opacities with a crazy-paving appearance in bilateral lungs. CT extent of pneumonia was scored as 2 (>25% involvement) and was classified as typical appearance of COVID-19 according to the RSNA chest CT classification system.
Radiological Society of North America
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