Figure 3 (IMAGE)
Figure 3: Cartoon illustration of the shock-interaction picture. (Upper left) A massive star undergoes large pulsations due to electron-positron pair-creation and ejects some material to form dense circumstellar matter. (Upper right) The star explodes to form a shock wave, which propagates through the circumstellar matter. (Lower left) When the shock wave reaches the surface of the circumstellar matter, the kinetic energy is converted to the thermal and radiation energy. Then the surface of the circumstellar matter shines very brightly. Material ejected by supernova explosion expands at moderate speeds. (Lower right) Circumstellar matter rapidly expands and fades. Supernova ejecta also expands and fades.
Shing-Chi Leung, Kavli IPMU
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Credit: Shing-Chi Leung, Kavli IPMU
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