Number boundaries v thresholds (IMAGE)
Fig. 2 | Number of social thresholds achieved versus number of biophysical boundaries transgressed by countries over time, 1992–2015. Country performance is divided into six sections on the basis of the average number of social thresholds achieved (high, middle and low shortfall) and the average number of biophysical boundaries transgressed (low and high overshoot). Circles indicate performance at the end of the analysis period (in 2011–2015) and are sized according to population. Country paths are shown in five-year average increments. Countries are colour coded relative to their performance at the start of the analysis period (in 1992–1995) clockwise from top right: low shortfall–high overshoot (purple); middle shortfall–high overshoot (blue); high shortfall–high overshoot (brown); high shortfall–low overshoot (orange); middle shortfall–low overshoot (green). Only countries with data for all six biophysical indicators and at least nine of the ten social indicators are shown (N= 91). Ideally, countries would be in the doughnut located in the top left corner.
Andrew Fanning et al
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