Image (IMAGE)
Magnetic field and extreme ultraviolet emission during the extended impulsive phase of the solar flare on March 8, 2019. The panels in the two columns correspond to the two phases of the double-peak flare and two eruptions. Snapshots are shown at two time steps corresponding to the first (around 03:12 UT, left column) and the second (around 03:30 UT, right column) flare-related eruptions. Rows from top to bottom show line-of-sight magnetic field maps (data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager — HMI), 1600, 304, 171, 211, and 94 angstrom filtergrams (data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory’s Atmospheric Imaging Assembly — AIA). The labels “K1” and “K2” in the 1600 angstrom AIA filtergrams refer to locations of flare kernels. The labels “R1” and “R2” in the 304 angstrom AIA filtergrams refer to the corresponding flare ribbons. The large white arrows in the 94 angstrom AIA filtergrams point to the location of the erupting loops during stages one and two of the flare process. The small arrow in the bottom left 94 angstrom AIA filtergram points to the location of a narrow ejection to the north-east during the first stage.
from Dumbović et al., 2021
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