Lung Injuries from Vaping Have Characteristic Patterns on CT (IMAGE)
Electronic cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury in a 27-year-old man manifesting as an acute lung injury pattern at CT but showing diffuse alveolar damage at surgical biopsy. (a) Frontal chest radiograph at presentation shows faint bilateral perihilar poorly defined bronchovascular bundles best seen involving the left hilum. (b, c) Axial unenhanced CT images through the (b) mid and (c) lower lungs obtained 2 days after presentation show multifocal bilateral ground-glass opacity and consolidation, without a clear zonal predilection. (d) Frontal chest radiograph obtained 6 days after presentation, following the development of hypoxic respiratory failure, shows worsening bilateral opacities. (e) Final chest radiograph 20 days following presentation shows that the bilateral lung opacities have improved significantly, but residual abnormalities remain.
Radiological Society of North America
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