Zoonosis and One Health Concept (IMAGE)
The One Health Cycle explains how the management of a zoonotic spillover with a One Health approach works. A zoonotic pathogen from wild animals moves into livestock, pets, fur animals or directly to humans. The One Health approach introduces the processes of "early education" (green) and "early prediction" (blue) that boost the early detection (red) and control (orange) efforts. Early education increases the number of young people able to recognize a zoonosis, while the Artificial Intelligence systems used in early prediction increase the ability to predict an outbreak in wildlife before the spillover can occur. Anthropogenic pressure, deforestation and bushmeat, climate changes, illegal animal trade and intensive animal farms are all human-generated causal factors causing the emergence and resurgence of zoonotic diseases.
Zucca P et al.
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In editorial context with the following publication only Zucca P, Rossmann M-C, Dodic M, Ramma Y, Matsushima T, Seet S, Holtze S, Bremini A, Fischinger I, Morosetti G, Sitzia M, Furlani R, Greco O, Meddi G, Zambotto P, Meo F, Pulcini S, Palei M, Zamaro G (2021): What do adolescents know about One-Health and Zoonotic risks? A school-based survey in Italy, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Mauritius and Japan. Frontiers in Public Health. Manuscript ID: 658876. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2021.658876/full
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