Graph of the Results Showing the Relative Abundances of Al And Mg Relative to Iron for the Evolved S (IMAGE)
A graph of the results of the study, showing the relative abundances of aluminium and magnesium relative to iron for the evolved stars in the cluster. We can see an anticorrelation between Mg and Al (magnesium and aluminium) for the stars in M3, shown by the black filled circles. The predictions for massive AGB stars are shown in red, and these are the initial masses of these stars. In blue are shown the abundances expected when the material from the AGB stars is mixed with the stars in the interstellar medium of the cluster in different proportions, ranging from 0% to 100%. A dilution factor of 100% would correspond to the first generation of the stars in the cluster.
Adapted from Ventura et al. (2016)
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