Association of Prophylactic/Therapeutic vs. No Anticoagulation for In-Hospital Mortality (IMAGE)
Stabilized weight adjusted cumulative incidence curves for the effect of anticoagulation on in-hospital mortality with discharge as a competing risk. The estimates are adjusted for the invers probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) using propensity scores. Hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) are based on stabilized IPTW Fine and Gray's sub-distribution hazard models with robust variance and discharge as a competing event. The multivariable model includes therapeutic and prophylactic anticoagulation as time-dependent variables and controls for the effect of time-varying intubation status and respiratory rate and oxygen saturation at admission. Stabilized weight adjusted cumulative incidence curves for the effect of anticoagulation on intubation with death and discharge as competing risks. The estimates are adjusted for the inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) using propensity scores. Hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) are based on stabilized IPTW Fine and Gray's sub-distribution hazard models with robust variance and death and discharge as competing events. The multivariable model includes therapeutic and prophylactic anticoagulation as time-dependent variables and controls for the effect of respiratory rate and oxygen saturation at admission.
Mount Sinai Health System
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