Cortical Maps of Semantic Representation for Subjects SN, AH, and JG (IMAGE)
Similar to Figure 6 in the main text, this figure shows the semantic space projected onto the cortical surface for subjects SN, AH, and JG. (A,C,E) Category model weights for each cortical voxel are projected onto PCs 2-4 of the group semantic space, and then assigned a color according to the scheme described in Figure 4B. These colors are projected onto cortical flat maps constructed separately for each subject. Each location on these maps represents a single voxel. Locations with similar colors have similar semantic selectivity. Brain areas identified using functional localizers are outlined in white and labeled (see Table S1 for details). Uncertain anatomical boundaries are shown as dashed white lines. Major sulci are denoted by dark blue lines and labeled (see Table S2). Some anatomical regions are labeled in light blue (Abbreviations: PrCu = precuneus; TPJ = temporoparietal junction). Cuts made to the cortical surface during flattening are indicated by dashed red lines and a red border. Blue borders show the edge of the corpus callosum and subcortical structures. Regions of fMRI signal dropout are shaded with black hatched lines. (B,D,F) Projection of voxel model weights onto the first PC. Voxels that are positively correlated with the first PC appear red, while negatively correlated voxels appear blue. Voxels orthogonal to the first PC appear gray.
Huth et al., <I>Neuron</I>, Figure S5
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