The interstitial oxygen O5 and the O1-O5 oxide-ion interstitialcy diffusion of Ba7Nb3.9Mo1.1O20.05 (IMAGE)
(a) Refined crystal structure and (b) corresponding yellow isosurface of maximum-entropy method neutron scattering length densities (MEM NSLDs) at 0.36 fm/Å3 of Ba7Nb3.9Mo1.1O20.05 at 800 °C. Refined crystal structure (c) and corresponding MEM NSLD distribution (d) on the ab plane at z = 0 of Ba7Nb3.9Mo1.1O20.05 at 800 °C. In panel d, the contour lines from 0 to 2 fm/Å3 by the step of 0.2 fm/Å3. Arrows in panel c denote the directions of oxide-ion O1-to-O5 migration.
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