Novel Technique Accurately Assesses Cardiovascular Risks (IMAGE)
(a, b) Noninvasive volumetric multispectral optoacoustic (OA) tomographic anatomic imaging of carotid artery bifurcation in vivo in a 44-year-old man. (a) Image shows depth characterization. Maximum intensity projections (MIPs) of volumetric reconstructions along z and y directions are color coded to represent depth (in millimeters), where structures in red identify superficial contrast and blue and purple are indicative of deeper structures. (b) MIP of volumetric reconstruction of carotid bifurcation after removal of contrast arising from shallow structures. Orange box in a indicates depth range used for rendering MIP in b. CC = common carotid, CW = carotid wall, EC = external carotid, IC = internal carotid, S = skin.
Radiological Society of North America
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