Orb Weaver Spider of the Jurassic (IMAGE)
A steamy volcano threatens an otherwise peaceful scene of Jurassic China. In front of the volcano is a pair of sauropods (Omeisaurus tianfuensis). Dominating this picture, a giant orb-weaving spider, (Mongolarachne jurassica) having spun a web amongst the Ginko baiera twigs, has just caught a giant cicada (Palaeontinodes reshuitangensis).
Resting the underside of a fern leaf, is a large butterfly-like lacewing (Limnogramma hani) of the extinct family Kalligrammatidae. Please note that as with other images of insects, I have tried to paint correctly the wing venations and margins where applicable. This of course helps make each image scientifically interesting and informative. At the water's edge, small early placental mammal is drinking, surrounded by some flying mayflies.
Richard Bizley <a href="http://www.bizleyart.com" target="_blank">www.bizleyart.com</a>
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Please credit: Richard Bizley <a href="http://www.bizleyart.com" target="_blank">www.bizleyart.com</a>
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