3-D Model of the Makran Subduction Zone (IMAGE)
Visualization of thermal state and slab depth in the Makran Subduction Zone
Fig 3 (a) Steady-state thermal structure (°C) at the plate interface calculated in this study. The yellow dashed line M–N indicates the main thrust zone with a rapid temperature increase from 300 °C to 500 °C; Temp: Temperature (°C); (b) thermal gradient (°C/km along the slab) at the plate interface; Temp_gradient: Temperature gradient (°C/km); (c) water content at the plate interface; Water_content: Water content (wt%). (d) slab dehydration at the plate interface; Dehy_content: Dehydration of the slab water content (wt%/km along the slab). The red stars represent the historically recorded M >7 earthquakes
Beijing Zhongke Journal Publising Co. Ltd.
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