Figure 3 (IMAGE)
Electrocatalysis OER of Gd, Fe-NiO in 1 m KOH. a) iR-corrected LSV curves of Gd, Fe-NiO, Fe-NiO, NiO, and commercial IrO2 catalysts in 1 m KOH. b) Overpotentials required for j = 10 mA cm-2 of different catalysts. c) Tafel plots of different catalysts. d) 𝜂10 comparisons of Gd, Fe-NiO, and state-of-the-art transition metal oxide OER catalysts in an alkaline electrolyte (data source: the DigCat database: e) iRcorrected LSV curves of Gd, Fe-NiO, Fe-NiO, NiO normalized against BET. f) 𝜂0.1 values of Gd, Fe-NiO, Fe-NiO, NiO normalized against their BET values. g) Chronopotentiometry curves of Gd, Fe-NiO at a current density of 10 mA cm-2.
©Di Zhang et al.
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