Figure 3 (IMAGE)
CO2RR on reconstructed SnO (r-SnO1-x-1/1Ov*): (a) CO2RR mechanisms toward HCOOH and CO production; (b) ΔEads of key *COOH and *OCHO intermediates in different configurations; (c) CO2RR intermediates on r-SnO1-x-1/1Ov* including the catalyst slab (*), *OCHO, *COOH, and *CO; (d) total electronic energies of r-SnO1-x-1/1Ov* slab, *COOH, *CO, and *OCHO intermediates as the function of applied potentials (V/SHE); (e) ΔEads comparison of *COOH, *OCHO, and *CO intermediates as the function of applied potentials (V/SHE); and (f-i) the Gibbs free energy change of the CO2 elementary reduction step as the function of applied potentials (V/RHE).
©Hao Li
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