Figure 2 (IMAGE)
(a) Schematic illustration of the synthesis of M-SACs. (b) Proposed schematic of the density of Fe-N4 sites in Fe-SAC, which were prepared by using the different concentrations of FeCl3. (c) Comparison of the Fe loadings of as-prepared Fe-SACs. (d) Proposed schematic of pore structures in Fe-SAC, which were prepared by using the different concentrations of SiO2 hard template. (e) Comparison of the pore structure parameters of Fe-SAC-1 and Fe-SAC-4. (f) TEM, (g) Aberration-corrected HAADF-STEM and (h) EDS mapping images of Fe-SAC-4. (i) EXAFS spectra at Fe K-edge. (j) N K-edge XANES spectra of as-prepared Fe-SACs. (k) Fitting results of the EXAFS spectra of Fe-SAC-4 at R space. Inset: schematic model of Fe-SAC-4. (l) WT of the Fe K-edge of Fe-foil and SAC-4.
©Hao Li
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