Images show exemplary coronal sections of phase-resolved functional lung MRI defect maps in a pediatric participant with post–COVID-19 condition and cardiopulmonary symptoms and a healthy control patient. (IMAGE)
Images show exemplary coronal sections of phase-resolved functional lung MRI defect maps in a pediatric participant with post–COVID-19 condition (PCC) and cardiopulmonary symptoms and a healthy control patient. (A) Images in a 17-year-old male participant with PCC show a ventilation defect percentage (VDP) of 17%, a perfusion defect percentage (QDP) of 16%, a ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) match healthy (VQM [H]) percentage of 64%, and a V/Q mismatch defect (VQM [D]) of 3%. (B) Images in a healthy control participant, with a ventilation defect percentage of 9%, a perfusion defect percentage of 5%, a V/Q match healthy percentage of 86%, and no V/Q mismatch defect.
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
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