NRL’s Mercury Pulsed Power Facility Marks Two Decades of Innovation (IMAGE)
The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) marks a major milestone with the 20th anniversary of the Mercury Pulsed Power Facility, a cutting-edge research platform that continues to enable significant advancements in the fields of flash x-ray radiography, detection of nuclear materials, and radiation hardness of defense systems. The NRL Pulsed Power Physics Branch Mercury team gather for a photo at NRL-DC Headquarters in Washington, D.C., Dec. 7, 2024. (L-R) NRL HII/Machinist Mr. Reuben Bushman; NRL Karle Fellow/NucE Dr. George Dowhan; NRL SMART Fellow/NucE Ms. Marissa Knofczynski; NRL Mercury Lead/NucE Dr. Jacob Zier; NRL Mercury Co-Lead/Nuclear Physics Dr. Dana Duke; HII/Nuclear Physics Dr. Todd Haines; NRL Staff Scientist/NucE Mr. Darryl Watkins; and NRL/Mercury Senior & Lead Technician Mr. Tony Culver. (U.S. Navy Photo)
U.S. Navy Photo
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